This Week at Yellow Door 05-04-20

May 4, 2020

As promised, here is a heartwarming video of our buddy, Zeke,dancing in the face of cancer! To have this much joy after undergoing chemo is truly remarkable!
Even in these challenging times, we remain committed to ensuring that the most medically at-risk pediatric patients and their families have a free sanctuary for the duration of the child’s treatment at UVA Children’s hospital. And we will do just that . . . with your support.
On May 5, we’re participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving created to drive an influx of generosity and support for nonprofits around the world. It’s a day to come together and give in the way that’s best for you right now, whether you’re giving your time, your skills, your voice or a donation.
Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and spread the word about Yellow Door by sharing our posts with your friends and contacts.
With gratitude,
The Yellow Door Team

A sincere thanks to everyone who has made Yellow Door a success, through some incredibly tough times!