This Month at Yellow Door

This Week at Yellow Door 08-14-19

This Week at Yellow Door 08-14-19

This week at Yellow Door, we had the honor of welcoming two members of the UVA Men's Basketball National Championship team to the Battle Building Clinic. They came to visit our wonderful Thomas, who was in day one of his second round of Chemo, and did his best Kyle...

This Week at Yellow Door 08-06-19

This Week at Yellow Door 08-06-19

Seems hard to believe, but they are our TWENTIETH family since we opened our first apartment 18 months ago!! A HUGE thank you to everyone who has made this milestone possible through your kind donations!   Young Ben was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome...

This Week at Yellow Door 07-29-19

This Week at Yellow Door 07-29-19

You will not believe this, but Facebook banned our post from last week from being boosted (promoted) to viewers of Facebook. If you recall, it included a black & white photo of 2-week old Jude , resting in bed with lots of tubes in him after his heart transplant....

This Week at Yellow Door 07-25-19

This Week at Yellow Door 07-25-19

This week at Yellow Door, well actually last week, we welcomed our 19th family! One-month-old Jude is our youngest patient to date. He underwent a heart transplant at TWO WEEKS OLD, which is hard to fathom! The little guy is still being weened off his sedation meds,...

This Week at Yellow Door 07-13-19

This Week at Yellow Door 07-13-19

This week at Yellow Door we welcomed 5-month-old Gabe and his family to our "Dreamers" apartment. Gabe and his 6-year-old sister Annie are both being treated for Cystic Fibrosis. During a routine exam, Gabe was found to have a coarctation of the aorta, a narrowing of...

This Week at Yellow Door 06-26-19

This Week at Yellow Door 06-26-19

This week at Yellow Door we welcome our 16th family - 16 year old Jadan and her parents - from just outside Roanoke, VA. Jadan was diagnosed late last year with End Stage Renal (kidney) failure. For the high school honor student, the diagnosis came out of the blue....

This Week at Yellow Door 06-04-19

This Week at Yellow Door 06-04-19

Sincere thanks to everyone who came out for our Yellow Door Birthday celebration and Open House! It was a big success, not to mention a lot of fun! We so appreciate HotCakes, Paris Cake Co., Albemarle Cider Works, Random Row Brewing Co., and Stone Creek Village...

This Week at Yellow Door 05-20-19

This Week at Yellow Door 05-20-19

All of a sudden 16 year-old Grayson , pictured above right, was unable to walk. His spinal cord tumor, originally diagnosed when he was 5 years old, had grown. While at UVA Children's Hospital for a tumor resection, he and his family received a new diagnosis of Stage...

This Week at Yellow Door 05-01-19

This Week at Yellow Door 05-01-19

We have lots of good news this week at the Yellow Door Foundation! One of the first families served by Yellow Door was that of little Khansaa. Her mom Sephida had not held her baby girl for the first 7 months of her life while Khansaa was in the ICU awaiting a new...