Josh smiling

Meet Aurora

Baby Aurora was born with two serious conditions that required immediate medical attention.

Mom, dad and big sister called Baer-Hart House their home while they awaited the arrival the newest addition to their family, baby Aurora. Doctors identified inutero that Aurora would most likely need a life-saving heart transplant shortly after birth because she had hypoplastic left heart syndrome.  They also diagnosed Aurora with Turner Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects only females.  It is a chromosomal disorder where females are born with only one X chromosome and causes a variety of symptoms throughout life, including heart defects.  

Because Aurora would need to be admitted to the NICU right after birth to be monitored closely, the family chose to deliver at UVA Hospital in order to give Aurora the best chance at survival.  

Mom delivered at UVA Hospital on November 22, 2021. Sadly, Aurora’s complications were too great and she was not strong enough to undergo the life-saving surgery she required.  She passed away in her mother’s arms on Novemer 24 at two days old.

The family returned to Baer-Hart House and used it as a sanctuary to grieve the loss of their baby girl and await her cremation so they could take her home when they left.

Dad shared on a his Facebook Post:

“This amazing foundation is the reason our daughter will be given the best chance that she could have now that we are closer to UVA…They have been the most friendly, and caring people. They are the reason we can rest easy until Aurora arrives and through whatever may come with Aurora.  This foundation is such a blessing, we couldn’t ask for more.  Even if you only give 5 dollars, it goes a long way to help those of us who live far from UVA get housing so we can be with our children who are fighting in this hospital.  Thank you Yellow Door Foundation!”



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