Meet Ava
Ava was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect at 20 weeks gestation, but was born via emergency C-section unexpectedly at 24 weeks.
Newborn Ava Grace will be joining her parents at our Rosie’s Place apartment as soon as she’s released from UVA Children’s.
At 20 weeks, Ava was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot (a hole in her heart) that will require open heart surgery when she is only a few months old. Unexpectedly, at 24 weeks 3 days, Ava had to be delivered via emergency C-section. Ava was brought into this world weighing only one pound, seven ounces but has been showing her determined and courageous personality ever since. Mom says, “Ava has shown her entire family the true meaning of what a miracle is as we watch her endure and fight through her daily challenges.”
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