Josh smiling
Josh smiling

Meet Avi

Avi needed a heart transplant after being diagnosed with HLHS.

Avi was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) in utero, in 2021. HLHS is a critical congenital heart defect, and extremely rare, affecting about 1 out of every 3,841 babies born in the U.S. each year. The cause is unknown. In the simplest terms, HLHS means the left ventricle of Avi’s heart is too small.
Avi’s treatment plan for HLHS included three separate palliative open heart surgeries, including one shortly after birth, one before age 1, and one more at preschool age.
Avi sailed through the first two surgeries with minimal complications, his pure joy and zest for life (and snacks) seeing him through. He was not due for his third, and final, surgery until 2024 or later.
However in early 2023, he started struggling. His heart was not keeping up with him. Avi suffered a stroke and was admitted to Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (CHKD) in Norfolk, VA, where it was discovered he has severely decreased heart function. After nearly three weeks of heart failure treatment, it was decided Avi needed to transfer to UVA Children’s to be listed for a heart transplant.
Avi and his family relocated to Charlottesville while Avi waits in-patient for his donor heart. He needed special medical care and support while waiting for his new heart, which he receoved in May 2023.  Family stayed close by at Rosie’s Place.

Mom gave us this update at his one year “Heart”-iversary when the family came back to stay at The Union for a few days.  Avi got to meet Lydia and her yellow bird too!

Aviel (“Avi”) is a cheeky almost-three-year old who came to UVA Children’s Hospital in April 2023 to he receive treatment for heart failure, eventually resulting in a heart transplant in May 2023. Avi and his family found a temporary home through the Yellow Door foundation, giving Avi a peaceful place to heal and recover after his transplant surgery, all while being surrounded by his family.

In the last year, Avi has received regular check-ups and a number of heart catheterizations at UVA Children’s Hospital, all providing the great news that his transplant is doing well and continuing to help him thrive and focus on his favorite things: snacks, Spider-Man, and pestering his big brother. For his one year post-transplant heart catheterization, Avi and his family were able to once again stay at an apartment through the Yellow Door foundation. The entire Knop family appreciates the generosity and care that allows the foundation to flourish, and are so thankful for everything the Yellow Door does for patients and families alike.

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