Meet Grayson
All of a sudden 16-year-old Grayson was unable to walk.
His spinal cord tumor, originally diagnosed when he was 5 years old, had grown. While at UVA Children’s hospital for a tumor resection, he and his family received a new diagnosis of Stage-4 Glioblastoma, a rapidly growing, malignant brain tumor. A few days later he suffered a pulmonary embolism, and then a stroke. After 33 days in the hospital, Grayson was able to join his family at our Dreamer apartment while he was in rehab and undergoing further treatments.

“We are so grateful to the Yellow Door Foundation for allowing us to use one of the apartments, which is a true haven and a blessing to be able to stay together as a family.”
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The Yellow Door Foundation can only continue providing critical support to families through generous donations.