Meet Paisley
Paisley, born with several congenital heart defects, spent the first four months of her life in the hospital.
Paisley was born with several congenital heart defects. (CHD). Spent four months in the hospital after she was born and underwent two open heart surgeries. She was able to return home for almost a year, until one morning she woke up and couldn’t breath. Paisley was rushed to the local hospital and then transferred to UVA Children’s.
Doctors discovered that her mitral valve was getting worse quicker than expected. The mitral valve allows blood flow from one chamber of the heart. Because her valve was failing, the right side of Paisley’s heart was enlarged and stressed because the left side was too small.
The first two months at UVA Paisley got progressively worse. She coded on October 23rd, 2021 and put on ECMO. Subsequent head CTs showed that Paisley experienced a stroke on the left side of her brain.
For the past month she has slowly, but steadily, been improving. Each day she fights and does new things. Doctors have to let her recover neurologically while hoping her heart can handle the wait. Once recovered neurologically, doctors will determine next steps for her heart.
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