This Week at Yellow Door 04-07-20

Apr 7, 2020

We want to share the stories of two of our current families…both with teens fighting cancer.
Garret, 16, was diagnosed with a brain tumor in December, 2019. He has completed chemotherapy, and is currently undergoing 5 weeks of radiation at UVA Children’s.
His Mom and Uncle are with him at our Kappa apartment, as is his sister Ana, who is on “furlough” from college! One of Garret & his mom’s favorite things to do is walk the grounds at Stone Creek Village. Garret will complete his treatment on April 16th, his 17th birthday.
Jaylen and his father, seen here at our Dreamer apartment with their UVA Children’s Social Worker, will be with us for a few months, while Jaylen is treated for nose and throat cancer. They recently moved to our 2-bedroom Baer/Hart apartment, so that his two sisters and two brothers can take turns visiting. As dad says “family support means everything to a 15-year-old going through a life-changing experience.”
As the Covid 19 restrictions continue, the viability of our apartment model for immunocompromised patients who are most at risk, has never been more evident.
Please support us if you can, as we work toward establishing our 5th Yellow Door apartment.

A sincere thanks to everyone who has made Yellow Door a success, through some incredibly tough times!