This week at Yellow Door 04-28-20

Apr 28, 2020

This week at Yellow Door we welcomed the Puigs, a family we can describe in a word–JOYFUL! Six-year-old Zeke has Accute Myeloid Leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. He is undergoing chemotherapy, and, due to Covid-19, had not been home or seen his family for over a month. Mom, Dad, Aunt and 3 siblings, known as the Puigletts, were finally able to visit him through the glass at UVA Hospital!
Zeke’s parents and grandparents will be with him at the Yellow Door VOGA House, sponsored by the Virginia Oil and Gas Association, throughout his chemo treatment. Then it’s on to Philadelphia for a transplant, with his younger sister as his donor! We plan to welcome them back after that.
Next Monday, we’ll share a video of Zeke dancing that you won’t want to miss!

A sincere thanks to everyone who has made Yellow Door a success, through some incredibly tough times!