This Week at Yellow Door 07-13-19

Jul 13, 2019

This week at Yellow Door we welcomed 5-month-old Gabe and his family to our “Dreamers” apartment. Gabe and his 6-year-old sister Annie are both being treated for Cystic Fibrosis. During a routine exam, Gabe was found to have a coarctation of the aorta, a narrowing of the large blood vessel that leads from the heart, so underwent corrective surgery at UVA Children’s Hospital. He did great, and the family will be heading home shortly. We think these two might have a future in modeling!
We are also happy to report that Thomas had successful cancer surgery yesterday! Thomas and his wonderful family will be with us for the next few months as he undergoes round 2 of Chemotherapy. Since we’re predicting futures, we see Thomas as a Sportscaster! That 11-year-old really knows his stuff!
To keep serving these deserving families, the need for financial support never goes away. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today, and tell everyone you know! Thank you.

A sincere thanks to everyone who has made Yellow Door a success.